Gàidhlig as t-Earrach | Spring Gaelic Weekend
June 7 – 9, 2024
A bheil sibh a’ sireadh cothrom gus Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn agus na sgilean cànan agaibh a leasachadh? Thigibh dhan cheann-seachdain, Gàidhlig as t-Earrach, far am bi clasaichean ann airson gach ìre agus far am bi naidheachdan, òrain, ceòl, danns’, agus capadaich gu leòr ann. (19+)
Are you looking for an opportunity to speak Gaelic and improve on your language skills? Come to our Spring Gaelic Immersion Weekend, Gàidhlig as t-Earrach, where there will be classes offered for every level and where we will be engaging in Gaelic stories, songs, music, dance, and plenty of Gaelic conversation. (19+)
Arrival: 6:30pm Friday (or 8:30am Saturday)
Departure: 3:00pm Sunday
Deadline: Extended to Monday, June 3
Find out more about the Halloween Gaelic Weekend here.
Find out more about the Christmas Gaelic Weekend here.
Luchd-tòisichidh | Beginner
Luchd-tòisichidh Adhartach | Advanced Beginner
Eadar-mheadhanach | Intermediate
Clas nam Fileantach | Fluent Speakers
- Live-in [classes, accommodations, and meals]:
- Single: $320
- Shared: $295
- Day Student [classes and lunches]:
- $150
Please note a $50 non-refundable deposit is due upon receipt of your invoice.
For more information, contact Gaelic Director Colin MacDonald at colin@gaeliccollege.edu.