Oidhche Shamhna Ghàidhealach | Halloween Gaelic Weekend

October 25 – 27, 2024

Thigibh uile dhan deireadh-seachdain, Oidhche Shamhna Ghàidhealach, far am bi sinn a’ comharrachadh an dualchais aig na Gàidheil a’ cuairteachadh Oidhche Shamhna. Bidh clasaichean Gàidhlig do dh’inbhich ann, fuarag, òrain, naidheachdain, seiseanan ciùil, dannsa, le bòcain is spòrs gu leòr! (19+)

Come one, come all to our Halloween Gaelic Weekend, where we will be celebrating the traditions of the Gaels surrounding Halloween. There will be Gaelic language classes for adults, fuarag, a milling frolic, a storytelling session, music sessions, a square dance, with plenty of spooks and fun! (19+)

Arrival: 6:30pm Friday

Departure: 3:00pm Sunday

Deadline: Friday, October 18th

Find out more about the Spring Gaelic Weekend here.

Find out more about the Christmas Gaelic Weekend here.

Luchd-tòiseachaidh | Beginner: Joyce MacDonald

Eadar-mheadhanach | Intermediate: Carmen MacArthur

Clas nam Fileantach | Fluent Speakers: Catrìona Parsons

Live-in [classes, accommodations, and meals]:

  • Single: $320
  • Shared: $295

Day Student [classes and lunches]:

  • $150

Please note a $50 non-refundable deposit is due upon receipt of your invoice.

For more information, contact Gaelic Director Colin MacDonald at colin@gaeliccollege.edu.