An Nollaig Ghàidhealach | Christmas Gaelic Weekend

December 13 – 15, 2024

A bheil thu measail air an Nollaig, Oidhche Challainn, agus air dualchas nan Gàidheal? Am bu thoigh leat ionnsachadh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig gus na sgilean cànan agad a leasachadh? A bheil thu ’sireadh cothruim gus Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn ann an suidheachadh nàdarra cofhurtail brosnachail? Ma tha, bhiodh fàilte bhlàth romhad aig An Nollaig Ghàidhealach!

Are you a fan of Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and Gaelic traditions? Would you like to learn through immersion while improving your language skills? Are you looking for an opportunity to speak Gaelic and converse with others in a natural, comfortable, and encouraging setting? If so, you would be most welcome at our Christmas Gaelic Weekend!

Age: 19+

Note: A Youth Class will not be offered this time, but our youth mentorship program, Na Gaisgich Òga will be onsite.

  • Beginner (Intro) for those who have never tried the discipline, or have extremely limited experience with it;
  • Advanced Beginner (Slow) for people who have some experience, but need extra time with new material and concepts at this point in their journey;
  • Intermediate (Moderate) are for those with a little more experience;
  • Fluent Speakers (Fast) are geared towards those who are comfortable learning new material and concepts and want to delve into more nuanced discussions/lessons about the discipline.
  • Live-in [classes, accommodations, and meals]:
    • Single: $320
    • Shared: $295
    • Youth (Under 19): $150 *Youth must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian
  • Day Student [classes and lunches]:
    • Adult: $150
    • Youth (Under 19): $120 *Youth must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian who will remain onsite with them during the weekend.

Please note a $50 non-refundable deposit is due upon receipt of your invoice, which will be emailed to you within 4 business days after registering.

For more information, contact Gaelic Director Colin MacDonald at